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Celebrity Entrepreneur
Subscribe to Clint Arthur's YouTube Channel
Clint Arthur on Life Love Shopping
Author of Break Through Your Upper Limits on TV: "How To Get Your 15 Minutes of Fame"
Clint Arthur on Life Love Shopping
"How to Come A.L.I.V.E."
Clint Arthur on CNN International
"Show me the Hot Sauce!"
Clint Arthur on FOX 5 San Diego
"How to Double Your Income"
Clint Arthur on FOX San Diego
"How to Double Your Income."
Clint Arthur on NBC Connecticut
"Living as if it's the last year of your life."
Clint Arthur on CNN International
"Entertainer in Chief"
Clint Arthur on FOX Las Vegas
"Broken New Year's Resolutions"
Clint Arthur on KRON San Francisco
"Living as if it's the last year of your life."
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